WAGF. 'la vie en rose'

The basic volume and visual language of this characteristic single-family house have been respected to the fullest. However, the original spatial organization has been quite drastically flipped. The garage has been transformed into a sitting area, and the sitting area into the kitchen. This is to fully enjoy the beautiful views on the street side and to enhance the interaction with the garden at the back.

For energy reasons, the existing facade finish will be removed and insulated. This presents an opportunity to create a very distinctive relief facade with clear horizontal layers and varied materialization ranging from natural stone to exposed concrete to classic red brickwork.

With a focus on privacy and maximizing natural light, the upper floor is cut into with two curved wedge shapes. These elements bring daylight into the core of the house and establish a dialogue between the two living levels. Additionally, the original entrance hall is reorganized and equipped with a dynamic staircase centrally in the space. The staircase reflects the different (new) circulation paths made possible by this reorganization, resulting in an open plan layout.

year: 2019-2023

client: private

program: residence

location: Aartselaar

team: Ben Verbeeck

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