WAVP. residence Assebroek

There is something to experience here, winks the steel facade. The perforations in the upper part further sharpen curiosity. As the door swings open, the promise is fulfilled, and how. Where a mundane warehouse stood until recently, today we find ourselves in a 33-meter deep residence with a duplex studio. It is abundantly lit by daylight through a patio between the entrance/professional area and private residence, and a completely sheltered outdoor room next to a new, five-meter high glass and steel facade.

"The qualities of this project lie in the smart use of space on the deep plot. The steel porches organize the space into an intriguing whole. Here, the 'well-trodden paths' are successfully avoided" – Michiel Cohen, chairman of the steel construction award jury '14

year: 2011-2013

client: private

program: studio home

location: Bruges

team: design office Vermeulen

photography: Yannick Milpas


  • staalbouwprijs 2014
  • batifacade 2014
  • Belgian Buidling Awards 2014
  • Dezeen Awards 2019 - longlisted


  • Beeld van de stad Brugge, 2020
  • Carchitecture, 2020
  • Hedendaagse kunst & architectuur Brugge, 2020
  • stadskaart pre-Triënnale Brugge, 2019
  • Feeling Wonen, 2016
  • Infosteel, 2014
  • Beter bouwen en verbouwen, 2014
  • Bouwkroniek, 2014
  • Buitengewoon Belgisch Bouwen
  • De Standaard, 2013
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